Stellungnahme zum Thema “Tierversuche” von Avon
Betrifft die Marken: Avon, Avon Naturals, Avon Solutions, Avon Color Trend (in Brasilien), mark., Liz Earle, Skin-So-Soft, Foot Works, ANEW, Clearskin Professional, Smooth Minerals, Luxe (in Russland), Advance Techniques
Sowie Parfum-Linien wie Outspoken, Outspoken Fresh und Outspoken Intense by Fergie oder In Bloom by Reese Witherspoon.
Avon ist ein US-amerikanischen Unternehmen, das 1886 gegründet wurde und seinen Hauptsitz in New York hat. Ganz klassisch vertreibt Avon seine Produkte über sogenannte “Avon-Ladies”, die als Verkaufsberaterinnen fungieren und nach dem “Tupperware-Prinzip” verkaufen. Die deutsche Avon-Niederlassung gibt es seit 1959. Der Großkonzern ist weltweit in über hundert Ländern vertreten und so leider auch zum Beispiel in China, wo Tierversuche immer noch gesetzlich vorgeschrieben sind. Avons Statement zu Tierversuchen findet ihr nachfolgend. Dickgedrucktes ist von mir hervorgehoben.
“The safety of our consumers is of primary concern to Avon. We are committed to selling only safe products, using only safe ingredients in our cosmetics products and complying with applicable regulations in the more than 100 countries in which Avon products are sold. Within this commitment, we also have a deep respect for animal welfare.
In June 1989 Avon announced a permanent end to animal testing of our products, including testing done in outside laboratories. Avon was the first major cosmetic company in the world to end animal testing. For more than 20 years Avon has independently substantiated the safety of its products without animal testing.
Avon does not conduct nor request animal testing in order to substantiate the safety or efficacy of any of its products or raw ingredients. Our approach to safety evaluation utilizes data from computational modeling, in vitro (test tube/cell culture) evaluation and clinical tests on human volunteers, as well as utilization of pre-existing data.
Some products may be required by law in a few countries to undergo additional safety testing, including animal testing. In these instances, Avon will first attempt to persuade the requesting authority to accept non-animal test data.
Avon’s commitment is to work within a country, in partnership with other organizations, to help bring about positive change and the acceptance of non-animal testing methods. Abandoning a market would deny us the opportunity to help drive towards a long term solution.
Avon has been active in the development, implementation and acceptance of alternative test methods since the 1980’s, working to identify and develop new testing alternatives with other cosmetic companies and with external organizations. Avon is a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of the Institute of the InVitro Sciences, Inc., a non-profit research and testing organization dedicated to the advancement of in vitro (non-animal) methods worldwide.
Recently Avon became a Founding Sponsor of the American Society for Cellular Computational Toxicology. Similarly, Avon continues to support the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME) in the UK, the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University in the US, and the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing. We are encouraged to see progress happening around this issue, for example, in China.
Our efforts were recognized as far back as 1993 at the World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences: Education, Research and Testing. Also in 1993, Avon was presented with a Recognition Award from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing in the US for our dedication to the principles of the 3 R’s (refinement, reduction, replacement) and the use of alternative tests for safety evaluation.
Reflecting the same commitment to animal welfare, Avon Foundation for Women funding may not be used to fund breast cancer research studies involving animals. The Avon Foundation’s guidelines apply only to studies funded by the Avon Foundation and do not impact other research underway at these same institutions. Avon global philanthropy has donated more than $815 million through 2013 for breast cancer programs in over 50 countries for research and advancing access to care, regardless of a person’s ability to pay.
2. If these legal requirements in a few countries are not new, and Avon’s position has not changed, why is the issue being raised now, and why has Avon moved from the PETA list of companies that do NOT test on animals to the list of companies that do?
Although we cannot speak for PETA, we believe they have decided to become more aggressive advocates in the global arena with a focus on changing laws in the handful of countries which require animal testing for some cosmetics. Avon and PETA share a common objective to persuade governments to accept scientifically valid alternative approaches to animal testing. Avon is working together with other global beauty companies to gain acceptance of alternatives to animal testing throughout the world. Avon is just one of a long list of global beauty companies that face the same issue. The only companies that do not are those which market their products in a limited number of countries.
3. Why doesn’t Avon stop selling products where animal testing may be required?
Over our more than 125 year history Avon has served as an agent of positive change for critical issues, including women’s empowerment, human rights, environmental sustainability, diversity, animal welfare and much more. When faced with challenging situations around the world, our commitment is to remain in the countries affected and work to bring about change, such as the acceptance of non-animal testing methods. Abandoning a market does not help bring about a solution.
For example, we are encouraged to see that China recently eliminated the animal testing requirement for certain products.
5. Can you specify which countries require animal testing?
As an individual corporation doing business responsibly around the world, Avon does not believe it is in a position to call out specific countries and governments. However, this information is available through various animal rights organizations such as the Humane Society and PETA.” Quelle

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