Stellungnahme zum Thema “Tierversuche” von Snowberry New Zealand
Snowberry ist eine neuseeländische Kosmetikmarke, die sich auf naturnahe Gesichtspflege spezialisiert hat, aber keine zertifizierte Naturkosmetik ist. Sie selbst schreiben, dass sie keine Tierversuche an ihren Produkten durchführen, allerdings auch in China verkaufen. In China sind Tierversuche leider immer noch gesetzlich vorgeschrieben.
Are your products independently tested?
Most Snowberry serums and creams are subject to independent, clinical trials by IDEA, Dermatological Institute in France, Dermatest in Germany and Abich Laboratories in Italy.
Are your skin care products tested on animals?
No, Snowberry does not test on animals and we require written assurance form the suppliers of our ingredients that they follow the same policy. However, all skin care and cosmetic products are tested on animals before registration is granted in China. We are optimistic that the alternative testing methods appr0oved by the EU will soon be adopted in China also.
Are Snowberry products suitable for vegans?
The only animal products in Snowberry are honey and cultured pearl. Please see the ingredients lists for each product on this site. Snowberry does not test on animals and requires assurance from ingredients suppliers that those ingredients have not been tested on animals. We are aware that products going into China are tested on animals. We are optimistic that the Chinese authorities will follow the lead of the EU and likewise ban all testing on animals. When Snowberry products are registered we provide the in vitro certification obtained from European dermatological institutes to show that satisfactory testing can be obtained without recourse to out-moded and undesirable testing on animals.
Where can I purchase Snowberry products?
Snowberry is available in many countries including the USA, China, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand. Snowberry is also available to order from this website. Please see our list of stockists also on this site.

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